I thank God for the realness that Girl Talk brings to women. Woman need to know the truth about who God says we are. I am glad to know that even though I have gone through may things in my life that may have been hard, devastating, and meant to kill me, I have the opportunity for healing. I can be made whole again. I have never experienced women that care for each other the way GTI shows love. - Patrice

Girl Talk International has impacted my life in such a great way. Through this organization, I have learned to love myself, respect myself and others, and how to be a powerful woman of God who stands out in a society where everyone wants to be the same. Because Of GTI, I am stronger, I have more wisdom and understanding of who I am and how important it is to not only help the next sister but the next generation of women. I am unapologetically me because of the tools and the keys to life that have been given to us! - Dominique
Our Stories...
GTI has been such a safe haven for me as a woman and brought so much healing to my mind and from my past relationships. I have been through a lot of things in life, being mistreated, torn down mentally, tearing other people down, abortion, addiction, wrong decisions, immaturity, lack of knowledge which made up this shy, low confident, spiritually blind, broken girl that hid behind a smile and nice appearance but I really needed help. God sent that help using Rachel Wilson, to be so transparent and truthful about things that she has been through that brought healing to my struggles and has helped me to be able to start over again.
GTI has been an impactful guide in every area of my life. GTI has allowed me to make better decisions financially, relationally, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I am so excited about being apart of GTI, and with every session, I get closer to my destiny. Every woman and every girl, if you are looking for your next level of living. If you want to be made whole. If you want to tap into that place of joy and fulfillment in you life.....Girl Talk International is just the place for you! - Tasha
I've been a part of GTI since 2009. Over the years I have been tremendously empowered to be the best woman I can be. Through GTI I have been healed of being rape and I have been liberated and set free from the hurt and pain of the life altering act of another person. I'm very thankful for GTI for helping me through the hurt and pain of being raped. I wouldn't be where I am today without GTI! - Tahijia
I've been a part of GTI for over 3 years and I can truly say that they helped me put back the broken pieces of my life and my heart. Even after being married, Dr. Rachel Wilson helped me learn how to love again, how to be the wife God created me to be, and to be the woman of God he destined me to be. - Tanicka

I joined GTI about four years ago. To say my life has changed is a true understatement. Joining GTI is a faith walk. We discuss things that need to talked about among woman but yet we are in fear of discussing. GTI is a game changer! A must have! - Ditra